Totally Spies Porn Story: The Unknown Chapter 3

Totally Spies Porn Story: The Unknown Chapter 3

I got it!, says Chuck roughly.

We were only coming to help!, says Alex.

Dont need your help!, replies Chuck curtly.

Rude much!, says Clover to Alex and Sam as they come back into the stores area.

Gee, thats the fastest weve seen Chuck move all day!, says Sam. I wonder why?

As 4 PM comes around, the second shift begins in the stores area, and the gals are off duty.

Come on Sammy, lets go home!, says Clover.

Wait!, says Sam, as she watches Chuck substituting medication on the shelf with those he just received from the unmarked van.

Whats he doing? asks Alex.

It looks like hes putting the medication on the shelf into the box marked returns and replacing it with the stuff he just received., says Sam.

It only takes Chuck 5 minutes to complete the switch. He looks around to see if anyone is watching, and he pushes the returns box out of sight.

The gals wait for Chuck to leave for the day, and then go into the stores area to investigate. Sam takes one of the medications off of the shelf it is used for intestinal infections. She then finds one in the returns box.

Lets analyze these!, she says, as Clover opens LIAB 9000.

First, the medication on the shelf, LIAB whirs for a few seconds, then prints out the composition: sucrose.

Sucrose? Isnt that sugar?, asks Alex.

Yes, Alex! Now, lets try the returns box medication!

Again LIAB whirs a few seconds: cipro.

Cipro is what the patients are supposed to be getting! Its an antibiotic used for treating intestinal infections!, says Clover.

So, we know how the phony drugs get into the hospital, lets find out where they come from! But first, I dont think Chuck would mind if we replace the meds on the shelf with these labeled for return, do you?, says Sam, as she pulls the box out.

Not at all, Sammy!, says Alex, as she and Clover quickly help Sam replace the placebos, with the genuine articles.

Oh, how careless of me!, says Clover, faking sincerity, I dropped my tracker barrette in the returns box!

Alex plays along, And I carelessly pushed the box back into its hiding place without taking it out!

The gals share a laugh. Tomorrow, we find out where the placebos are coming from!, says Sam. But first, Im going to visit my Mom!

You go, girl!, says Alex.

Well see you tomorrow, says Clover.

Sam goes up to her Moms hospital room. Her Dad will be coming from work shortly. Her Mom is sleeping. Sam quietly walks up to her mothers side and kisses her softly on the cheek. As she sits down next to her, Sam gently puts her hand over her mothers, being careful not to wake her.

But Sams mother has been a mother too long. She opens her eyes, and looks lovingly at her daughter. Hi, Sam. How are you, dear?

Hi, Mom. Im sorry if I woke you up!

You didnt! I wasnt really asleep, dear, I was just resting my eyes!

How were your tests?

Sams Mom gives her a quick thumbnail description of the various tests she has been through, making sure she makes even the most painful ones sound as easy as pie. Soon, Sams Dad joins them. He kisses his wife, then his daughter. Sam and her Dad stay until visiting hours are over.

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